Chennai Medical Fraternity
Club Information
  • Club ID: 225162
  • District ID: 3233
  • Meeting day and time: Sun -
  • Address: 36, Sardar Patel Rd,ChennaiTNIndia
Dr. Vinayak Senthil Kannabiran
Dr. Saritha Damodaran
Chennai Medical Fraternity
Early detection & Regular Screening Home Club: Chennai Medical Fraternity
This speaker meeting of the RC of Guindy was an session on Early Detection &Regular screening of cancer . This was done by Rtn Dr Saritha Senior Clini...
Chennai Medical Fraternity
Cancer Awareness Home Club: Chennai Medical Fraternity
As a part of the 53 projects for the RC Midtown a talk at their Interact school was planned & Rtn Dr Saritha Senior clinical and Radiation Oncologist ...
Chennai Medical Fraternity
Health and wellbeing Home Club: Chennai Medical Fraternity
The Speaker meeting arranged by RC of Velachery and Rtn Dr Saritha D Senior Consultant Clinical & Radiation Oncologist spoke on Awareness of Cancer sy...
Chennai Medical Fraternity
Cancer screening and Awareness program Home Club: Chennai Medical Fraternity
The Cancer screening program done by RC district 3234 for the Rotarians had Senior Doctors as Guests for the event. The Cancer Awareness talk was done...
Chennai Medical Fraternity
Medical care at your Door step Rural cam... Home Club: Chennai Medical Fraternity
The Government planned Rural health camp was done at Azhagiri village . Rtn Dr Premkumar Senior physician saw 300 patients.
Chennai Medical Fraternity
Medical care at your door step - village... Home Club: Chennai Medical Fraternity
This is a pioneer project of the Government of Tamilnadu to provide Medical facility to the rural areas of the state . Senior Physician Rtn Dr Premkum...
Chennai Medical Fraternity
World Breast feeding week -Awareness tal... Home Club: Chennai Medical Fraternity
The To be Mothers & the Just delivered mothers were given an awareness talk on the importance of Breast Milk . Rtn Dr Santha Narayanan chairman Matern...
Chennai Medical Fraternity
Breast cancer awareness campaign Home Club: Chennai Medical Fraternity
The NSS of Queen Mary’s college organized the Breast Cancer Awareness campaign with a pink umbrella walkathon and Breast cancer awareness talk by Rtn ...
Chennai Medical Fraternity
Benefits of Breast Milk Home Club: Chennai Medical Fraternity
The benefits of Breast feeding was an awareness program by Rtn Dr Santha Narayanan at Shristi hospital Chennai. She explained the advantages & benefit...
Chennai Medical Fraternity
Blood Donation Camp Home Club: Chennai Medical Fraternity
The JNN group of institutions was the venue for a Health & eye screening by RC Chennai Galaxy & RC Royals .The blood donation that happened at the cam...
Chennai Medical Fraternity
Health is the real wealth Home Club: Chennai Medical Fraternity
The cancer awareness talk was well received and 45 Rotarians were benefited